It’s time for teachers to apply for Side x Side 2024–2025 Arts Integration Program Grants! The application deadline is Monday, June 10th. Grants are announced at the end of July. Close to 1000 students and 42 teachers and specialists in Portland public schools participated in Side x Side programming this year, making arts integration accessible
Maine Birds Sculpted by First Graders During Side x Side Program at Rowe Elementary School
First graders at Rowe Elementary School recently wrapped up a Side x Side program that integrated a literacy and science unit on Maine birds with papier-mâché sculpture. Led by teaching artist Jill Osgood, students created scientific drawings of their chosen birds, focusing on the physical features that help them survive. They then created sculptures of their
Art Helps to Teach a Social Studies Unit on Civil Rights During Side x Side Program
Fourth graders at Ocean Avenue Elementary School recently wrapped up a Side x Side program that integrated a social studies unit on civil rights with art. Students worked with teaching artist Anne Ackerman to create 3D paper displays combining illustration and writing to share information about change makers throughout U.S. history and today.
Community Themed Mural Unveiled at Connors Elementary School
A mural capturing the concept of Community was unveiled at Connors Elementary School in Lewiston last week. Created as part of a Side x Side arts-integrated program for fifth graders, it was a collaboration between art teacher Kelsey Boucher, classroom teachers Ms. Griffin and Mr. Purvis, and teaching artist Jill Osgood. Students learned how to
Physical Theater Helps Third Graders at Ocean Avenue Elementary School Connect to a Science Unit on Extreme Weather
Third graders at Ocean Avenue Elementary School recently wrapped up a Side x Side program led by teaching artist Gretchen Berg that integrated a science unit on extreme weather with physical theater. Students learned to use physical theater to tell stories about the science of extreme weather and explore weather’s impact on communities.
Third Graders and Their Handmade Salmon Puppets Perform at Rowe Elementary School
Third graders at Rowe Elementary School recently participated in a Side x Side program that integrated a Wabanaki studies unit on salmon with sculpture and performance. With teaching artist Cat LaBarre, students created salmon sculptures using papier-mâché and paint to realistically depict their fish. They attached wooden dowels to the salmon to turn them into
Fourth Graders Learn About Maine Owls During an Arts-Integrated Side x Side Program
Fourth graders at Lyseth Elementary School recently participated in a Side x Side program integrating a science and literacy unit on Maine owls with printmaking and drawing. First, students learned about the adaptations that allow Great Horned, Barred, Saw-Whet, and Snowy owls to survive: hearing, eyesight, talons, beaks, and feathers. They then worked with Side x
Preschoolers at Lyseth Elementary School Learn Emotional Awareness Through Side x Side Improv Program
Pre-K students at Lyseth Elementary School recently wrapped up a Side x Side program led by teaching artist Meg Christie. Integrated with a literacy unit and titled, “You’ve Got This!” students worked on emotional awareness, impulse control, managing disappointment, and identifying the size of the problem through stories, movement, and improv activities and games.
A Wabanaki Studies Unit Comes to Life During a Side x Side Program for Fifth Graders
Fifth graders at Ocean Avenue Elementary School recently participated in a Side x Side program integrating art with a Wabanaki studies unit. The program kicked off with a visit to the Osher Map Library at the University of Southern Maine. Following the field trip, students worked with teaching artist Anne Ackerman over the course of several
East End Fourth Graders Use Art to Connect to Poetry
Fourth graders at East End Community School recently participating in an arts-integrated Side x Side program called, “Poetic Forms and Inspiring Minds.” A collaboration between Side x Side teaching artist Leah Cross and classroom teachers, students wrote original poetry and used drawing, watercolor, and collage to visually represent their poems and the inspiration behind them.