Second graders at Ocean Avenue Elementary School recently participated in a Side x Side program that integrated a science unit on landforms and a literacy unit on poetry with art. Led by teaching artist Pamela Moulton (aka Ms. Posey!), students learned drawing and collage techniques to illustrate individual letters and then poems that they wrote
Side x Side Awarded 2022 Maine Arts Commission Organization Project Grant
Side x Side is honored to be the recipient of a 2022 Maine Arts Commission Organization Project Grant for its “All About Owls” project. The award helps fund arts-integrated programs for fourth graders at Lyseth Elementary School in Portland where teaching artists and teachers collaborate to design innovative units with science, writing, and research on Maine
Side x Side featured in ArtsEd Amplified this Week
Side x Side was recently featured in the Arts Education Partnership’s blog, ArtsEd Amplified, in the article: > Connecting Dots, Making Connections, Finding Partners Written by Side x Side program evaluator, Dr. Debra Smith, along with colleague Gene Diaz, of the Program Evaluation & Research Group (PERG), the article highlights Side x Side’s partnerships. The Arts Education
Side x Side Winter 2021 eNewsletter
Check out Side x Side’s latest news in our winter 2021 eNewsletter!
Lincoln Middle School Seventh Graders Begin Side x Side Mural Program on Biodiversity
Seventh graders at Lincoln Middle School have begun a Side x Side visual journaling and mural making program led by teaching artist, Laurie Downey, that is integrated with a unit on biodiversity.
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Portland non-profit receives $2.5 million grant
WGME -13 – A Portland non-profit helping to make a difference by bringing arts education to schools is now expanding. “Side-by-Side” recently received a $2.5 million grant. As part of the grant, the program will expand to Lewiston schools.
Portland Map Notecards for Sale!
Side x Side Portland map notecards are now for sale at all four Rosemont Market locations in Portland!
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Side x Side Partners with King Middle School
Through a partnership with King Middle School, and with funding from the Horizon Foundation, sixth and eighth grade King students will be working with two Side x Side teaching artists throughout their spring expeditions.
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Side x Side Slides into Summer by Jamie Hogan
Working with Side x Side, Portland’s coup in the name of arts integration, has been truly satisfying, as well as a juggle…
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Launching Land Forms at Ocean Avenue Elementary by Jamie Hogan
Thanks to Side x Side, I had more adventures in second grade, this time at Ocean Avenue Elementary School in Portland, Maine…
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