Step 1: Creating a puppet Using books or photographs as a reference, students will draw their animal in pencil and outline it with permanent marker. Ask students to notice and add details. Next, they will add color using markers or colored pencils and then cut out the finished animal. Teaching Tips: Make sure each puppet
LESSONS 4 and 5 – TWO SESSIONS: Illustration and Writing
Step 1: Model Visual Thinking Strategies “Today you will illustrate your animal’s habitat on the habitat page and diet on the diet page. You will also write what you know about your animal’s diet and habitat, label its body parts, and write a fun fact. Remember to take your time and add details.” Demonstrate for
LESSON 6: Final Book Assembly
Step 1: Gluing pages into the book Students will glue their accordion-folded pages into their book covers. Use a paintbrush to spread glue on one panel of the folded pages and carefully place it on the paste paper. Before the glue dries, make sure the glued page is lined up with the spine of the
Celebration Suggestions: Host an Author’s Tea Invite students to share their books with peers in another class. Make it a special event by circulating and asking students about their work. Include refreshments! Have a Book Tour Have students take their books into younger classrooms to read and share what they have learned. Reserve a place
COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS Reading Standards for Informational Text: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.1–1.10 Writing: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.1.1–1.10 Speaking and Listening: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1–10 Vocab Acquisition: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L1.1–10 Math, Measurement and Data: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3MD.A.1–4 NATIONAL CORE ART STANDARDS CREATING Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. VA:Cr1.1.1a Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. VA:Cr1.1.1a Anchor Standard
LESSON 1: Introduction
Step 1: Reading Read the Dr. Seuss book of your choice, one time through. Then read it again, asking the students to focus on the characters in the story. (What makes the characters special? How do the characters move? Slow or fast? Are their facial expressions serious or funny? Which is the biggest? Smallest? What
LESSON 2: Building Printing Plates
Step 1: Create characters together Teacher models the activity Using the document camera, arrange pre-cut shapes to create a character. Name the character Example: Mr. Humpabump Come up with two descriptive statements about the character Example: Mr. Humpabump likes to jump. Mr. Humpabump jumps over a stump. Model the activity together Ask for two volunteers
LESSON 3: Printing
Collagraph Before printing, talk with the students about their printing plates. Their printing plates are now called collagraphs. A collagraph is when a collage of materials is glued down into a printing plate then printed. They have all made collagraphs! Step 1: Inking the printing plate Spritz paper with a water bottle and dab dry
Celebration Suggestions Gallery Walk Through: Display each student’s art in a designated area in the school. Invite other classes to join together to participate in a gallery walk through where they will practice gallery etiquette while viewing the art on display. Guided Question and Answer Session: Gather together as a class and ask students to
COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS Reading Standards for Informational Text: CCSS ELA literacy RI K.5 and K.10 Writing: CCSS ELA literacy W K.1 Speaking and Listening: CCSS ELA literacy SL k.1-10 NATIONAL CORE ART STANDARDS Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. VA: CrK.1.Ka Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic
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