Step 1: Create characters together Teacher models the activity Using the document camera, arrange pre-cut shapes to create a character. Name the character Example: Mr. Humpabump Come up with two descriptive statements about the character Example: Mr. Humpabump likes to jump. Mr. Humpabump jumps over a stump. Model the activity together Ask for two volunteers
LESSON 3: Printing
Collagraph Before printing, talk with the students about their printing plates. Their printing plates are now called collagraphs. A collagraph is when a collage of materials is glued down into a printing plate then printed. They have all made collagraphs! Step 1: Inking the printing plate Spritz paper with a water bottle and dab dry
Celebration Suggestions Gallery Walk Through: Display each student’s art in a designated area in the school. Invite other classes to join together to participate in a gallery walk through where they will practice gallery etiquette while viewing the art on display. Guided Question and Answer Session: Gather together as a class and ask students to
COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS Reading Standards for Informational Text: CCSS ELA literacy RI K.5 and K.10 Writing: CCSS ELA literacy W K.1 Speaking and Listening: CCSS ELA literacy SL k.1-10 NATIONAL CORE ART STANDARDS Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. VA: CrK.1.Ka Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic
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