> Side x Side’s Arts Integration Model…
Side x Side Evaluation Overview
As part of our federal and local grant obligations, we collect data on the success of our arts-integrated programming. Beginning in October 2015 and extending through eight years of the Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination (AEMDD) and Assistance for Arts Education Development and Dissemination (AAEDD) grants, our evaluation includes observation of project activities;
Arts Integration Activity Prompts
Summer Arts Institute, Lewiston, 2019: Poetry Prompts Summer Arts Institute, Portland, 2016: Peregrinations in Art (from the Portland Museum of Art) Using Physical Theater to Look at Art with Gretchen Berg
VTS: Visual Thinking Strategies
Introduction to VTS: Visual Thinking Strategies
8 Studio Habits of Mind
Adapted from the Studio Habits of Mind, developed by Harvard’s Project Zero
TED Talk: Dave Morris: The Way of Improvisation
Preparing Students for the Next America
Arts Education Partnership has created this document to explain the benefits of an arts education
The Practice of Partnership: High Impact Arts Education Partnerships with K-12 Schools
National Guild for Community Arts Education: The Practice of Partnership: High Impact Arts Education Partnerships with K-12 Schools