Side x Side Brand Guidelines
Our brand — “Side x Side” — is the perception people have of us based on their direct experiences or the experiences others have shared with them.
Our logo is the visual representation of our brand.
Our brand supports our mission and impacts schools and surrounding communities through our four primary objectives:
- Strengthen student achievement through engaging hands-on projects
- Facilitate teacher development and intern practicum
- Build and stimulate cooperative and lasting partnerships among the arts, education, and professional communities
- Present broad career paths to students through visiting experts
It also speaks to our commitment to diversity and inclusion.
There is only one official logo/graphic representation of our Side x Side brand:
The official Side x Side logo
> download Side x Side logo (JPG)
> download Side x Side logo (PNG)
> download Side x Side logo with tagline (JPG)
> download Side x Side logo with tagline (PNG)