Side x Side’s comprehensive arts integration model engages students in creative learning by connecting art making with core classroom content bringing critical thinking, creativity, and innovation into the classroom. Students gain agency by connecting personal expression, voice, reflection and relevant interests to their classroom experiences. Side x Side collaborates with local experts, teaching artists, school communities, and the University of Southern Maine to build connections through hands-on arts learning. Our programs support social emotional skills by providing equitable opportunities for demonstrating and expressing knowledge, creative collaboration, and community building.
How can I get Side x Side or other arts integration partners in my classroom?
For Maine teachers, who are not in proximity to Side x Side services, the Maine Arts Commission (MAC) provides a teaching artist roster for reference. MAC also provides funding for K-12 teaching artist projects in Maine classrooms through organization project grants. Additionally, national resources on ways to fund arts integration are available through Americans for the Arts. Be sure to view their Art Education Action Kit for some great arts integration resources and advocacy materials. Local and national teaching associations and professional groups often provide funding opportunities for curriculum design and special projects to teachers. Lastly, do not forget to check with your local school district office about funding opportunities. Many districts have formed local foundations or nonprofits that sponsor projects like arts integration. We know funding can be challenging. Reaching out to your PTO, and utilizing district education foundations or donors choose are additional options. It may also be helpful to ask your arts specialists and UA teams about local and national sources for funding and supplies.
Where can I get art materials on a budget?
When sourcing materials there are lots of options. We recommend starting locally at arts and crafts supply stores. Remind them you are a teacher. They may give discounts for educators and should be able to help you choose the correct brushes, paper, or even paints. We also order online from larger suppliers that often have reduced bulk prices and offer teacher discounts. Office supply stores are also a great resource for bulk cardstock and tagboard. Visiting places like hardware stores, local resale shops, or Ruth’s Reusable Resources can help you find the art materials you need.
- Side x Side Arts Integration Model
- Side x Side curriculum worksheet
- Side x Side's Pocket Guide to Reflection
- Side x Side SEL Alignment Guide
- Side x Side SEL and Core Content Connections
- Side x Side SEL and Teaching Artist Tips
- Side x Side classroom examples
- Maine Arts Commission: Teaching Artist Roster
- Maine Arts Commission Organizational Project Grant
- Americans for the Arts: Arts Education Policy and Funding
- Americans for the Arts: Arts Education Action Kit
- National Education Association
- National Council for the Social Studies
- Blick Art Supplies
- Artist & Craftsman Supply
- Ruth's Reusable Resources